
发布时间:2020-07-06 04:33

我是python的新手,正在为我的物理项目做编码,这需要生成一个带有变量E的矩阵,为此必须解决矩阵的第一个元素。请帮我。提前致谢。 这是代码的一部分

import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
import math
import cmath
import sympy as sy
from scipy.optimize import fsolve

#Constants(Values at temp 10K)
hbar = 1.055E-34 
m0=9.1095E-31   #free mass of electron
q= 1.602E-19    
v = [0.510,0,0.510] # conduction band offset in eV
m1= 0.043 #effective mass in In_0.53Ga_0.47As
m2 = 0.072 #effective mass in Al_0.48In_0.52As
d = [-math.inf,100,math.inf]       # dimension of structure in nanometers

'''scaling factor to with units of E in eV, mass in terms of free mass of electron, length in terms 
of nanometers '''
s = (2*q*m0*1E-18)/(hbar)**2 
#print('scaling factor is ',s)
E = sy.symbols('E') #Suppose energy of incoming particle is 0.3eV
m = [0.043,0.072,0.043] #effective mass of electrons in layers
for i in range(3):
       print ('Effective mass of e in layer', i ,'is', m[i])
k=[ ]  #Defining an array for wavevectors in different layers
for i in range(3):   
      print('Wave vector in layer',i,'is',k[i])     
 x = []  
 for i in range(2):
      # print(x[i])
 #Define Boundary condition matrix for two interfaces. 
      D0 = (1/2)*sy.Matrix([[1+x[0],1-x[0]], [1-x[0], 1+x[0]]], dtype = complex)
  #A = sy.matrix2numpy(D0,dtype=complex)
 D1 = (1/2)*sy.Matrix([[1+x[1],1-x[1]], [1-x[1], 1+x[1]]], dtype = complex)

  #Define Propagation matrix for 2nd layer or quantum well
     P1 = 1*sy.Matrix([[sy.exp(-1j*k[1]*d[1]), 0],[0, sy.exp(1j*k[1]*d[1])]], dtype = complex)
     T= D0*P1*D1
     #print('Transfer Matrix is given by:',T)
     #print('Dimension of tranfer matrix T is' ,T.shape)

      # I want to solve T{0,0} = 0 equation for E
      def f(x):
           return T[0,0]

      x0= 0.5 #intial guess
       x = fsolve(f, x0)
        print("E is",x)


  1. 使用sympy定义符号E
  2. 生成涉及求和公式且具有变量E的三个矩阵
  3. 将这三个矩阵相乘生成矩阵,请注意元素是复杂的并且包含负数的平方根。
  4. 我需要为变量E求解矩阵T [0,0] = 0的第一个元素,并找出E的值。我使用fsolve求T [0,0] = 0。*

请注意以后的问题,请不要使用诸如numpy之类的未使用进口内容,而不要像# a = eye(3,3)之类的僵尸代码。这有助于保持代码尽可能简洁和简短。另外,由于缩进问题,示例代码将无法运行,因此在复制和粘贴代码时,请先确保它可以工作。始终尝试使您的问题尽可能简短和模块化。


  1. 使用先进的SciPy求解器,但由于SciPy不会以任何方式处理SymPy对象,因此需要将类型强制转换为float值。
  2. 使用SymPy的根求解器,该求解器虽然不太先进,但使用起来可能更简单。


只有在没有问题的情况下使用SciPy和SymPy才可以混合使用。 SciPy根本无法与SymPy一起玩,在使用SciPy时,您应该只具有listfloatcomplex实例。

import math
import sympy as sy
from scipy.optimize import newton

# Constants(Values at temp 10K)
hbar = 1.055E-34
m0 = 9.1095E-31  # free mass of electron
q = 1.602E-19
v = [0.510, 0, 0.510]  # conduction band offset in eV
m1 = 0.043  # effective mass in In_0.53Ga_0.47As
m2 = 0.072  # effective mass in Al_0.48In_0.52As
d = [-math.inf, 100, math.inf]  # dimension of structure in nanometers

'''scaling factor to with units of E in eV, mass in terms of free mass of electron, length in terms 
of nanometers '''
s = (2 * q * m0 * 1E-18) / hbar ** 2
E = sy.symbols('E')  # Suppose energy of incoming particle is 0.3eV
m = [0.043, 0.072, 0.043]  # effective mass of electrons in layers
for i in range(3):
    print('Effective mass of e in layer', i, 'is', m[i])
k = []  # Defining an array for wavevectors in different layers
for i in range(3):
    k.append(sy.sqrt(s * m[i] * (E - v[i])))
    print('Wave vector in layer', i, 'is', k[i])

x = []
for i in range(2):
    x.append((k[i + 1] * m[i]) / (k[i] * m[i + 1]))
    # Define Boundary condition matrix for two interfaces.
D0 = (1 / 2) * sy.Matrix([[1 + x[0], 1 - x[0]], [1 - x[0], 1 + x[0]]], dtype=complex)
D1 = (1 / 2) * sy.Matrix([[1 + x[1], 1 - x[1]], [1 - x[1], 1 + x[1]]], dtype=complex)

# Define Propagation matrix for 2nd layer or quantum well
P1 = 1 * sy.Matrix([[sy.exp(-1j * k[1] * d[1]), 0], [0, sy.exp(1j * k[1] * d[1])]], dtype=complex)
T = D0 * P1 * D1

# did not converge for 0.5
x0 = 0.75

# method 1:
def f(e):
    # evaluate T[0,0] at e and remove all sympy related things.
    result = complex(T[0, 0].replace(E, e))
    return result

solution1 = newton(f, x0)

# method 2:
solution2 = sy.nsolve(T[0,0], E, x0)


1.00808496181754 - 0.0444042144405285*I

请注意,第一行是本地Python complex实例,而第二行是SymPy复数的实例。一个人可以简单地用print(complex(solution2))来转换第二个。

现在,您会注意到它们产生的数字不同,但是两者都是正确的。从Geogebra图可以看出,此函数似乎有很多零: enter image description here
